Friends With Fur: A Pet Blog

Friends With Fur: A Pet Blog

  • Tips To Help Prevent A Puppy From Chewing Up Your Belongings

    English Bulldog puppies are playful, adorable, and loyal, so it is not surprising that many people are eager to add a puppy to their family. However, it is important to remember that puppies are just babies, and they will display some unwelcome behavior. One such behavior is chewing things-- it is normal for puppies to want to chew as their teeth are coming in, but without taking some necessary steps and instilling training, a puppy can chew, and destroy, many things in your house.

  • About The White English Golden Retriever

    If you are looking for a dog, one breed you might want to consider is a white English golden retriever. If you haven't heard of this breed, then you will find the information here to be quite helpful with regard to learning why this breed might be a great match for you and your family. Here are some questions you should ask yourself that can help you determine if this is in fact a good breed for you to check into further.

  • Sick Of A Corporate Job After 30? Consider A Veterinarian Internship

    Making good money in a corporate situation is the dream of many people. However, some may find that it doesn't fulfill their emotional needs or they end up needing a change well into their 30s. Thankfully, it isn't impossible to change careers at this point. Many people give up their corporate position and try new opportunities. For example, high-quality veterinary internships can give people a great chance to change their life for the better and to help others around them.

  • 5 Reasons To Buy A German Shepherd Puppy

    If you're looking to introduce a pet to your family home, you may be exploring your options. There are many puppy and dog choices out there! It's important to know that dogs have different personalities and traits, just like humans. If you're wanting to get a great family dog, a German Shepherd can be an excellent option. Here are some reasons you should buy a German Shepherd puppy.  They're Calm and Caring

  • The Three Things Your Cat Needs Every Year

    Many people fail to bring their cats to the vet on an annual basis, thinking that if the cat doesn't seem to have any problems, there's no reason to go. Unfortunately, this is rarely the reality. Cats, like people, should be seen by their (pet) doctors on a regular basis in order to ensure their health and safety. Here are three of the most important things that your cat could be missing out on in their annual care.

About Me

Friends With Fur: A Pet Blog

Nothing is quite like the bond you develop with a pet. You and your dog know each other to the core. You and your cat have your own way of communicating, even though you do not speak their language. These pets are, in a very real sense, your friends — but they are friends you have the responsibility of caring for completely. Determining what the best care for your pet really is can be a challenge. That's why we created this blog. The articles collected here will help you become a better owner and a better friend to your furry companion, whether they're a cat, dog, rabbit, or other species entirely.
